Avoid Divorce & Child Custody Mistakes

Divorce: Get Help. Get Answers. Get Support. Throughout Your Divorce.
divorce community

Your Divorce Community

Your Divorce Connections

Clarity in Divorce

Divorce Coffee House is your source for help, support, and community in your divorce. We understand that divorce and child custody matters can leave you feeling alone and confused. We provide clarity so that you have the confidence to make informed decisions. We create community through our facebook page and private groups, where we answer your questions free of charge (join us!).  We help you connect with local divorce attorneys, child custody lawyers, mediators, financial experts, therapists and more. For free. The power of community in divorce can help you get safely to your bright new future.

Featured Divorce & Custody Courses

You need to sidestep the painful and costly mistakes of divorce and child custody. We show you how…

Divorce Smart Finances

Avert financial disaster in divorce: what to watch out for in divorce finances.

get child custody - divorce course

Cuddles & Custody

Sidestep painful child custody errors that can severely affect your time with your kids.

Divorce Smart for Women

Save $thousands in divorce, protect your finances, assets, children, and future.

Meet Your Divorce & Custody Experts

Featured Divorce Experts

Divorce Expert

James is a divorce coach, speaker, and trainer with a focus on setting smart objectives to avoid future pain.


Divorce expert

Divorce mediator Sam is an expert at conflict resolution in divorce – even in high conflict or narcissist divorce.

Certified Matrimonial Law Attorney

Louise creates clear strategies and solutions,  with a focus on positive outcomes that secure your future.

What our Divorce Community & Alumni Say

Our Divorce Coffee House community and our courses offer a clear path forwards in your divorce. Here is a selection  of reviews from our happy attendees.


Course Attendee

Top Marks!  This course showed me what dangers I needed to avoid in my situation and even connected me with a tax specialist who could help! 



Divorce Smart Attendee

Divorce Smart took me from vulnerable and scared to confident and in control. It helped me see what I really wanted – and ultimately got in divorce,  thank you!



Community Member

This community is incredibly supportive and positive during difficult divorce times. I am so grateful for the friends I have made and the help I’ve received


Divorce on the cards and not sure where to turn?

Divorce Coffee House is the community, the connections, and the clarity you need in divorce.
Contact Divorce Coffee House
Monday - Friday
8 AM to 6 PM